After 3 years in the Chair keeping the HEIR Network active and delivering numerous successful annual conferences, Marthie Cronje (Head of Data Analytics & Insight at Southampton University) has stepped down from Chairing the Network Planning Group.
Thankfully though she has agreed to remain an active member of the Group so that the new Co-Chairs, Rachel Bowden (University of Brighton) and Matt Hiely-Rayner (Bucks New University) can benefit from her many years of experience. On behalf of the Network Planning Group and all members of the HEIR Network, thank you Marthie, for all your leadership and hard work in supporting and developing the Network over so many years.
Matt and Rachel, with the help of all the other members of the Planning Group, are now looking forward to taking the Network forwards, maintaining the key event in the HEIR Network’s calendar: that of the annual conference (read on for more information on that) and developing more new opportunities for Network members to meet, share ideas and knowledge and help and support IR colleagues across the UK and Ireland.
As a first step, and building on the lessons learnt from delivering the annual conference online for the first time in September, we will be hosting a free lunchtime online session in February. More details below. It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible for what we hope will not only be an informative and useful event but also the first of more to come from the HEIR Network.
Please check out our website for more information on the Planning Group as well as past and future events.
The Network Planning Group will be reviewing membership and roles and responsibilities over the next month or two so further information will follow on who we are, what we each do and how you can get more involved.