12-13 September 2024, Buckinghamshire New University

- Transition into higher education
- Inclusive student experiences and curriculum
- Educational gains
- Progression into employment or further study
This year’s theme was equitable student progression and encompassed multiple strands of IR activity. Progression is usually taken to mean student progression on their course of study: engaging, being retained, making academic progress and gaining a good award, and our sub-themes of inclusive student experiences, inclusive / decolonised curriculum and learning gain address these aspects of the student journey. With a broader interpretation of ‘progression’, we also curated material that spoke to the ‘into’ and ‘beyond’ stages of the journey: transition into HE and progression into careers and further study.
Key milestones | Date |
Call for papers deadline | 23 June |
Review period | 24 June – 2 July |
Latest date at which authors will be notified | 7 July |
Close of registrations | 30 August |
Preparatory session for presenters and keynotes | 5 September |
Material for presentations | 6 September |
Conference dates | 12 & 13 September |