HEIR Network

Higher Education Institutional Research Network

Oxford Brookes Conference

Call for papers

HEIR invites contributors to submit abstracts according to the following thematic areas:

– Learning analytics and using research to improve student learning
– Evidence based decision-making: tools and methods
– Gathering data to demonstrate impact
– Enhancing the student experience
– Moving from research to policy, practice and quality enhancement.

Submissions are invited according to the following formats:

  1. 25 minute paper
  2. 25 minute discussion paper/work in progress/workshop
  3. 50 minute workshop /paper
  4. Posters

Sessions submitted as ‘paper’ should be completed work or at least work with conclusions, discussion papers should seek to raise discussion and thought concerning an issue, whilst workshops should plan to involve substantial involvement of the participants.

Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length and outline the nature of the session,  the methods used,  possible session outcomes and if appropriate a summary of the  findings of the research.   If you wish to submit an abstract please complete a submission form. Enquiries can be directed to Ian Scott.

The (extended) closing date for submitting abstracts is: 27th May 2014