HEIR Network

Higher Education Institutional Research Network

Call for Posters

Guidelines for Poster Submission 

Poster interest and Lightening Talk brief submission Friday 29 July 2022

We are accepting electronic posters for the conference. Posters should focus on one of the daily themes: 

• Day 1: Shifting Student Engagement 

• Day 2: Emerging New Data and IR Themes 

Poster Session with Lightning Talks: 

As well as the posters being available to view on our conference teams site, there will be a Poster Session with Lightning Talks from 12:30 – 13:30 on conference Day 1, Thursday 8 September.  A small selection of posters will be chosen for the lightning talk session, where authors will give a short lightning presentation of their poster and answer questions from delegates. 

So that delegates can engage with the posters during and after the conference, all posters should be submitted with a narration (details below). Posters will be hosted on the HEIR website after the conference. 

Poster Submission Details:

Landscape orientation 

A0 maximum; smaller sizes are acceptable. (Note: although the poster is electronic, the A0 size limit is important in determining the maximum amount of material to add to your poster.) 

Describe your poster in no more than 3 minutes. 

We recommend that you use PowerPoint, or equivalent, to design your poster and create the voice-over narrative. It is acceptable to include additional slides to your voice-over narration in order to focus on specific parts of the poster (i.e., you could enlarge the relevant panel so that it fills one slide). 

If you are interested in presenting, and would like your poster to be considered for the Lightning Talk session, we ask you to submit a brief paragraph about your poster, including the theme and title to HEIR2020@brighton.ac.uk by Friday 29 July. 

We will confirm with all those interested in the Lightening Talk sessions w/c 8 August. 

 Final poster submission deadline via email for the conference is: Friday 26 August

File types: Please submit either: 

1. The original PowerPoint (or equivalent) file, with embedded narration, or 

2. A PDF of the poster and a video file of the narrated poster.